The full-time training programme at Candle is an educational programme for 16-21 year-olds, primarily aimed at early school leavers, but also those who have completed second-level education.

Our Training Programme supports young people who are:
• Early school leavers
• Young Travellers
• Young people from refugee and migrant communities
• Young people referred by the Probation Service, Tusla or other community groups
• Young people who need support around their education and emotional wellbeing

The aim of this course is to enable the learner to develop the relevant knowledge, skills and competence to use a range of skills and tools, under direction and with limited autonomy, related to seeking employment or in employment.

A range of social and developmental programmes are incorporated into the timetable to ensure that all the young people who commence their education at Candle can achieve their potential. Additional support is given in literacy, numeracy and resource teaching. All young people who attend our training programme can access our therapeutic space.

For more information contact Candle on

Course Details
Course Duration
52 Weeks
Course Code
Start Date
Continuous Intake
Candle Trust Justice Workshop, Lynches Lane, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Course Certification