The aim of this programme is to introduce participants to a range of software applications to enable them to progress onto a standard ECDL course.

On completion of the Training Programme leaners will be able to:

1- Identify how PC’s and software are used to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

2- Use the basic features of a Windows Operating System and the importance of managing files and folders

3- Demonstrate basic tasks associated with creating, formatting and finishing small sized word processing documents ready for distribution

4- Demonstrate basic tasks associated with developing, formatting and modifying a spreadsheet ready for distribution

5- Create and modify basic tables, queries, forms and reports, and prepare outputs ready for&

6- Complete basic tasks such as creating, formatting, modifying and preparing presentations for display and printed distribution

7- Accomplish basic common Web search tasks using a Web browsing application and available search engine tools and use e-mail software to send and receive messages with attachments


This course will take place every Tuesday & Thursday evenings from 06:30 pm – 09:30 pm for 5 weeks and is ideal for candidates who wish to progress onto ICDL course. Please note candidates must have good business English to participate on this course.

When you apply for this course you will automatically be placed on our waiting list. All courses are filled on a first come basis. You will be contacted as soon a place becomes available.
For further information please contact the Night Training Office on 01-8140268/ 01-8140265.

Course Details
Course Duration
5 Weeks
Course Code
Start Date
City of Dublin FET College Northwest Campus, Finglas, Jamestown Rd
Course Certification